Camellia Zakaria

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I am an Assistant Professor in the Biostatistics Division and Institute of Health Policy, Management, and Evaluation (IHPME) at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH), University of Toronto. I am cross-appointed to the Faculty of Information (FoI). My research integrates mobile devices and interconnected systems to develop innovative methods for health monitoring and analysis. I am particularly passionate about fostering a healthy society by creating equitable applications that empower individuals to take charge of their health and well-being. Grounded in systems research, my work explores the intersection of Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Applied Machine Learning, and Human-Computer Interaction.

Beyond my academic pursuits, I relish the simple yet exquisite things in life. Connecting with nature via birdwatching is my portal to wellness. Not a photographer, but I try to be good at it. Check out my gallery.


Sept 1, 2024 Cross-appointed to the Faculty of Information (FoI), UofT

Sept 1, 2023 Joined DLSPH, UofT, as an Asst. Prof (TT)

Oct 17, 2020 Joined LASS, UMass, as a Postdoc

Jun 29, 2020 Joined SHUAI Lab, SUTD, as a Postdoc

Sep 29, 2019 Continued my research deployment at SMU as a Postdoc

Jul 01, 2019 Officially hibernated net-zero technologies for three months!!!

Jun 20, 2019 Completed my Ph.D Thesis Defense at Mobisys'19 conference in South Korea

Jan 19, 2019 Joined my co-advisor in his new lab at SNU, South Korea

Oct, 11, 2018 Completed my Ph.D dissertation proposal at UbiComp'18 conference in Singapore

UMASS Amherst
2020 - 2023